Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nova 2

Oh, how I’ve been waiting for this game! And now it’s finally available! Gameloft has finally released the highly anticipated sequel to their first sci-fi fps for the iPhone! Last year they released Nova which was a major hit on the app store! And now they have released Nova 2! Nova 2 is the arguably the best fps on the app store! Like many other titles by Gameloft Nova 2 offers a campaign mode and also online and local multiplayer! The campaign is fun and has a great story line but is a bit too short like the first Nova. Also new weapons have been added alongside the old ones to make this game even better! You can now use mines, plasma guns assault riffles, automatic shotguns, grenade launchers and many more!  The multiplayer player, however, is just brilliant! The graphics, the weapons, the controls and everything else has been greatly improved and is a lot better than before! It offers 5 on 5 multiplayer action across 10 different maps and also has 5 different game types! Nova 2 is an all round fantastic game with only a few hiccups which I’m sure will be fixed in an update. The graphics the weapons the maps and the game play are all so awesome and so much better than any other fps on the iDevices! If you have not purchased Nova 2 yet, then what are you waiting for?! Go buy this now! You will NOT regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome game, totally going to buy it!!! Thanks a lot Tommy!!!
